martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Starting up

Let´s start with a brief presentation. My name in Dani Fdez and I am a novel computer science investigator. And we could say I am novel in many senses of the word. I am a beginner in the investigation´s world, a beginner in my investigation topics and, as Spanish, I am not even used to use English as a vehicular language, but the idea is to improve all these aspects while this blog grows up =)

The original plan is to talk about the semantic web, more precisely about technics to treat and validate RDF graphs using Shape Expressions (ShEx). However, my advantage as a novel is that I am quite far away of knowing the road my investigation will take, and that makes it more interesting.

My intention is to update this blog weekly talking about my progress. I would like to encourage you, my possible reader, to comment and contribute with me in every way you consider, not mattering if you include new content, related links, a correction (a conceptual one or even a problem with the language) or a piece of advice of what else I could be doing with my life ;)

Not much more to say. See you in the next post!

Dani Fdez